London Planetree
Platanus x acerifolia
The London planetree is a hybrid species believed to have been created from a cross between the Oriental planetree and the American sycamore. Commonly confused with the American sycamore, it is a popular urban tree due to its ability to withstand many adversities and provide great shade (Arbor Day Foundation, 2018). The Sisters of Charity planted 109 London planetrees initially along each side of the entranceway in 1924 (Seton Hill University, 2018) (bottom right). After several tree plantings and fallings, there are still 109 London planetrees on the main entranceway as well as 12 along the walkway leading up to Lynch Hall. One notable tree planting of London planetrees is the Junior Class of 2019 tree planting in 2018.

(Seton Hill Photo Archives)