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I have always appreciated the natural world, but Dr. Jessica Brzyski helped me realize that I can put this to use in a career that will make me happy. With her guidance, I have been able to successfully explore more interesting and meaningful careers to fit my interests. Dr. Brzyski took an enthusiastic role in advising my Honors capstone project while also supporting my passion for conserving our beautiful planet. I could not have completed the project without her support.








It is no secret that Seton Hill University carries a rich history. Campus Archivist, William Black, is the person who shed light on this fascinating portion of the Seton Hill experience with me. He not only showed me what an amazing history Seton Hill holds, but also advised me in the completion of my Honors capstone project. Professor Black and his infinite wisdom were crucial parts of the planning, researching, and tree-identifying components of my project.











I was aided by the artistic talents of Kait Germanoski. Kait used her graphic design skills to prepare a campus map for my use. The map was essential to the final project. Kait helped prepare the map for me, something that I could not have done on my own.












Lastly, Marisa Valotta assisted me as I worked through my project. She frequently took notes for me, offered second opinions, and kept me company on long tree-identification missions. Her support does not go unnoticed.



Arbor Day Foundation. (2009). What Tree Is That? Lincoln, NE: Arbor Day Foundation.


Arbor Day Foundation. (2018). Retrieved October 3, 2018 from:


King, C. (2018). Tree Identification – Natural Walk (Department of Ecosystem Science and Management). Retrieved March 10, 2018, from


Roth, P., and Harmon, R (2002). Identifying Pennsylvania Trees. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.


Seton Hill University. (2017, December 13). Seton Hill Then & Now. Retrieved March 10, 2018, from


Seton Hill University. (2018). Seton Hill Celebrates Centennial! Retrieved August 16, 2018, from


Seton Hill University. Traditions. Retrieved March 10, 2018, from


United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. (2005). Seven themes of Catholic Social Teaching. Retrieved August 16, 2018, from




1 Seton Hill Drive

Greensburg, PA 15601


Tel: (800) 826-6234 


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